Sunday, March 23, 2025

2025 Vineyard City Gold Rush 5K Race Recap -- Vineyard, UT

Running along the shores of Utah Lake

Official Time: 26:20
Placement: 3rd in the 50 - 59 -- 63rd overall
Results:  Here
Race WebsiteHere
Weather: 43F -- damp but negligible wind
Course Map / Garmin Dump: Here
Previous Years: [2024] [2023]

Mile TimeComments
18:23Decent start. Still slower than usual.
28:52Was hoping I'd at least match the first mile. I think a few hills slowed me up.
38:45Pushing as hard as I could.
3.050:19Dug deep and pushed.
Total Miles: 3.05- 26.21

Calm before the race!


Despite not having a great race last weekend, I somewhat surprised myself by signing up for the Vineyard City Gold Rush 5K.  I had a case of FOMO and I kind of wanted something to do on Saturday morning.

Having run the race before, I knew that Vineyard -- along with its views of Utah Lake, would be a beautiful opportunity to run in an area I normally would make a special trip to.  It has also been a bit of time since I've run a 5K and given my current fitness, maybe I could surprise myself at the event.

Packet pick up at Vineyard Grove Park

I did arrive at the race just shy of 8 AM for the 8:30 AM start.  It was damp but not terrible out.  The weather was threatening a bit of rain but the morning was ideal for racing:  perfect footing, no wind and cool out.

Packet pickup / parking was a snap since I had gotten there early and I wound up doing about a mile warm-up.  On the 30 minute drive to Vineyard, I felt ready to race.  My warm-up was a different story.  I felt flat and not very "fast".  I could barely must up any sort of stride work and I felt the stiffness / fatigue that I've been dealing with for the last 2 months creep up.  This was going to be a challenging race.

Let's do this!

The Race 

If you've been following my blog of late, you know my race performances haven't been the greatest.  I was really hoping that today was going to change all of that.  I felt okay on the 30-minute drive down to the race, but once I started to do my 1 mile easy warm-up, I felt the fatigue creep in.  I didn't really have any energy to do any strides and it seemed to be a struggle just to do a shuffle.  My Garmin was reporting that my heart rate was near 150 BPM, which also seemed very high for the shuffle I was doing.  Was this a false report?  What is going on?

Section of the running path along Utah Lake

I managed to get to the starting line and started to look at my competion.  A friend of mine, who happens to be in the same age division and would surely finish ahead of me, made me think that at best I was competing for 2nd place.  Should I be worried?  

I just told myself to relax and just get this race done!

Section of the running path along Utah Lake

The race started off and immediate we began to run westward along the sidewalk.  It was crowded running, but I had lined up appropriately.  At times I was cramped and opted to run on the streets, but for the most part it was smooth sailing.

After a block, we hung a right to go north and then once again ran south towards Lake Utah. This course was identical to their Thanksgiving race.  Despite the damp conditions, the running conditions were great.  It was a bit muggy out, but it wasn't a detractor and there was virtually no wind.

Just after or before mile 2

Just before the mile 1 marker hit, up came another runner who definitely looked to be in my age group.  
Was I now competing for 3rd?

I felt okay and the brain fog / fatigue was there, but it wasn't dominating my run.  The mile 1 marker came up and not soon after, my watch ran 8:15.  

I hadn't glanced at all at my watch and the pace was decent and not unexpected.

The final push along the streets of Vineyard Utah

At this point, we were on the highlight of the course.  To my right was Lake Utah with some stunning views of the westwide mountains.  My competition was still ahead of me, but he wasn't gaining too much ground.  

I felt like I was running okay but every now and then I'd hit a minor hill and my pace dropped.  I knew I had had difficulties last year on this stretch.  I knew my pace had slowed, but it would seem like everyone else's had as well.

Section of the running path along Utah Lake

While I thoroughly enjoyed running on the bike trail, I knew a mental queue was when I would go head east - and at that point I knew I was going to be in the final third of the race.

Finally, the runners ahead of me could be seen making the turn.  Internally, I sighed with relief.  In addition, my competiton was still within striking distance.  Time to turn it up a notch!

Hilly portion of the walkway

After another quarter mile or so, I was greeted by the mile 2 sign.  We were back to running on the sidewalk and headed east.  I was working with a pack of runners and I felt like I could really press the final mile, despite having run a kind of disappointing 8:45.

Section of the running path along Utah Lake

I was now running neck and neck with my competition.  Usually I can't pull off something like that but today, I was doing it.  It gave me motiviation.  Part of me wantede to ask him his age group, but I'd rather have to work for the finish.

I started to put some ground on him.

Section of the running path along Utah Lake

I had done my warm-up, up to the final turn and I was trying to find the park on the right, which would indicate the turn back onto a bike trail.  Finally the park came into view and I saw a solitary orange corn with an arrow on it.  It didn't change how far I still had to go, but it was yet another mental breakdown of the race.

Finally, the black asphalt appeared and I ducked left.  A little more than half a mile to go.  I felt like I was running fast but at times I had glanced at my watch and it was slower than my perceived exertion.  

I didn't want to look over my shoulder to see how much distance I had put on my competition.  I imagined him right on my tail and that only spurred me on.

It was also helpful: I was running with another guy who was at my same pace.  He may have been encouraging his children but he was also encouraging me.  Push! And telling us how much distance we had.  Hearing someone else definitely helped, even though a simple glance of my watch would've told me the same thing.  I was just nice to work with someone.

Recalling from the Thanksgiving race, I knew that once I turned the final corner I wouldn't have much road left to make up the distance.  The course, routinely comes in at around 3.06 miles. Despite hitting the 3 mile marker early, I knew I had to push my hardest.

My running mate and I both took off at the same time. He probably had 15 years on me, and his sprint was definitely better than mine.  But I sped through the finish line, with the final mile coming in at about the same as mile 2.  But I was done!

The finish line!


I wound up beating the Leprechaun in the race.  One of the gimicks is that if you beat the volunteer, you won a golden coin (a real $1 coin).  I didn't even see the Leprechaun but it was a nice incentive.

I also received a pretty cool finisher's medal.

Runners finishing.

My friend came up to me after the race (the one who was in my age group) and reported that a probable guy in our age group (50 to 59) beat him.  Now, I was worried.

After recoverying, I went to the truck to print my results.  I came in 3rd and it later became official.  It does turn out that the guy who I was chasing, was indeed in my age group.  I felt pretty bad about it, but I know I've been in his shoes many times before.

Quick post race photo

Post race refreshments were water and some flavor packets. There was also an assortment of granola bars and fruit.  We were also encouraged to go to the local school (that we passed early in the race) for a community breakfast -- that was free.

Runners cheering finishers on

I wound up doing about a 2.5 mile cool down after getting my award.  Most of the photos you see on the page were taken post race.  The post race breakfast was there to showcase some local exhibitors.  I had missed most of it, but there was yogurt, hot chocolate, muffins and high-end cupcakes.  There was also fruit.  A simple help yourself continental breakfast.

Medals + Leprechaun chase coin

This race is a bargain and runs like a well oiled machine.  I got into the race about a week before it and paid $30.  There is an option to buy a shirt, but they are cotton and I've already got a ton of them.  The race was also filled with a mix of casual runners and those who were definitely competing.  The course is also flat, well marked and offered one aid station.

My performance: was not a break through. It was simply okay and par for the course, and I've definitely lost something.  It was nice to come home with a double medal (plus the lucky coin).  I was able to shake off the fatigue and brain fog but I still felt like something was holding me back.

I need to figure out things.  Mysteriously, I've lost a fair amount of time in my races and I don't have a reasonable explanation.  Perhaps a doctor's visit is in order

Upcoming Races

04/26: 2025 Salt Lake City Half Marathon - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed)
05/10: 2025 Run Farmington 10K - Farmington, UT (Confirmed)
02/22: 2026 Las Vegas Half Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)

Sunday, March 16, 2025

2025 Lucky 13 10K Race Recap - West Jordan, UT

Somewhat Happy times at the start

Official Time: 56:12
Placement: 2nd in the 55-59 30th overall
Results:  Here
Race WebsiteHere
Weather: mid 30sF, 10 mph+ breeze from the north
Garmin Dump: Here
Previous Years: [2022] [2021] [2019[2018] [2014]

Mile TimeComments
18:44Crowded start. Had to do a lot of navigating
28:50Cleared up, but first half of the mile was fairly congested
38:57Definitely not my day. The turnaround can't come soon enough
49:12Can I rebound? A bit of headwind though.  Just trying to finish at this point
59:13Just picking up milestones in the distance and trying to reach them
69:23Felt like I was running a lot faster here
6.191:37Finally, finished.
Total Miles: 6.20 - 55:58

Packet Pickup at Gardner Village


One of the St Patrick's Day race traditions for me is doing OnHillEvents' Lucky 13 Race.  I've done this race several times over the past decade.  The race, however, has changed a bit over time -- different locations throughout the northern Utah area.

Normally where the race is held

Like the past several years, this year's race was held at Gardner Village -- a mere 1.75 miles from my house.  It makes it super convenient and I know the course well; doing many of my long runs on Sundays along the course.

I had gotten a pretty good deal on the race from the race organizer's Black Friday sale and given the familiarity with the race, it made it a no-brainer to attend.

Pre-race mayhem

The Race

Packet pickup was strongly encouraged for Friday and given that Gardner Village is less than 2 miles from my house, I made the jaunt there after my work day was done. There was a bit of a line-up but overall, it was a quick in-and-out experience.  It also saved myself anxiety getting my bib the day of the race.

Normally the race starts and ends at the shopping center.  But given that just days before the race, the underpass that leads from the shopping center to the bike trail was flooded, the race was held about a quarter of a mile down the trail from the shopping center.  The starting area isn't as elegant as the shopping center but it did save us the misfortunate of having to go into ankle deep water at the start of the race.

Coming into the race, I knew it would be a long shot for me to turn in a decent time. I have some posterior tibilias tendonitis and I was coming off a week of no running.  Ever since Vegas (and even before), I haven't been in peek shape and my running has felt labored, and honestly, not coming easy.

Normally, the race starts off with the half marathon, followed by the 10K runners (me) and the 5K.  As the racers started to congregate to line up, I presumed that they were all half marathoners.  From previous experiences I would start about 5 - 10 minutes later.

Long story short -- I was wrong.

Suffice to say I was one of the last ones to start. And given that the race was being run on a standard-issue bike trail with nearly 700 runners -- it meant a very congested start.

So I spent the first mile navigating my way around walkers and slower runners.  They were pretty much occupying the entire lane too; so I was doing a lot of running in the dirt on the side of the trail or gently trying to merge my way through shoulder-to-shoulder runners.

I knew it was going to be a tough day, but this wasn't how I was hoping I'd start the day.  

The first mile came in at 8:44.  I expected to be slow but I was also okay with it given my current level of fitness.

The race crowd begin to thin, but also at this point, I was dealing with the 5K lead pack coming the other way.  Any passing lane I felt like I could take suddenly was blocked off.  Still I was okay with it. 

Once I passed through the mile marker (perfectly placed at 1.55 miles), the crowd thinned out and I could no longer use crowds as any sort of a justification of my pace.

I had no idea who my competition was (although a friend of mine was running the 10K who is in my age group -- who is also MUCH faster than me), so I knew at best I was shooting for 2nd in my age group.  

To be honest, at this point I knew I was already pushing too hard.  The pace should've been easy, but it wasn't coming easily.  Mile 2 came in at 8:50.  Consistent but disappointing.  But I was conserving energy, right?

Despite the freezing (or near freezing temperatures) the running and air temperature were perfect. In the first quarter mile of the race, however, the bridge had a very slippery sheen of ice on it.  Fortunately that was the only complaint I had about the course.  Little did I know, I also had a bit of a tailwind to start the race.

As we sped our way south near the Sandy Golf Course, I couldn't help but hope that the course was short.  News flash it wasn't.  I was just so cooked and I was working hard.  I felt like I was running 8:15 or so, but the effort was closer to 9 minute per mile.  

Finally I saw the 2nd aid station and the 10K turn around.  It was at 3.10 miles and I just wanted the race to end.   My pace was now in the 9 minute per miles and what should've been an easy 2-hour half marathon pace was now a gut buster.

I was frustrated with myself and I should've been able to pick up the pace.  And now, I had a bit of a headwind to contend with.

I saw maybe one person ahead of me who might me in my age division but in a way, I was beyond caring.  My time was rubbish, I hated running, I am going to quit racing -- you know the drill. My head was telling me I was running 8:15's but my body was shuffling along at 9+ minute miles.

Mile 4 saw more degradation to my time.

On the plus side, seeing the outgoing 10K runners spurred me on a bit and once in a while I'd overtake someone.  I had about a 3-minute buffer of when I started and when the race actually began.  So I really didn't have a clue as to where I stood with other people.  My goal at this point was to try and rebound.

My tendon was causing problems, but nothing that would stop me.  I know it does impact my push-off but I'd be using that as a lame excuse to my race time today.

I kept working on biting off chunks of the course.  Get to mile 4. Get to the 5K turn around.  Get to 1 mile left.  Just little milestones to keep my head in the game.  I was using every trick in the book.

Mile 5 came along and it wasn't much better than 4.  Why was this so hard today?  I had been training at 8:15 pace all winter.

Frustration was mounting and I really wanted to just stop and walk.  An occasional runner passed me, but for the most part, I didn't have anything to worry about in regards to my placing except to hold on.

Mile 6 was the slowest yet: 9:22.  Please let's just end this race.

I couldn't even really muster a final push in the final quarter mile. I had nothing. The last quarter mile was dotted with spectators and I used their motivation to push me forward.  I did straighten up my form for the camera people and sped under the OnHillEvents arch and I finally completed the 10K race.


So the writing on my race performance was already predicted before I completed my first 100 yards.  I had a lot of things going against me:

1) I was not in peak shape.  The last 3 - 4 weeks my running has felt flat and uninspired.
2) I wasn't really in the mood to race / run hard
3) I have an injury (that sort of flared up in the race but ultimately effects my push-off)
4) My last 3 - 4 races have resulted in slower times than predicted.

I do feel like something is wrong.  Either I am over-trained, dealing with some sort of physical problem, or struggling with the effects of aging.  

I grabbed my medal and found a seat away from other people and just sat there -- disappointed.  Where was all my hard earned fitness that I had banked over the winter?

Eventually I composed myself, and wandered amongst people -- congratulating my fellow competitors and checking in with friends.  I also grabbed my camera and got photos of people.  I've had bad races in the past and I'll have them again in the future but a string of them is hard to swallow.

The weather had been threatening rain, sleet and snow but we caught a break.  For a brief moment during the race it had snowed but it wasn't anything to be concerned about.  I had brought some extra clothes to the finish line and the jacket I had got me through to the awards ceremony.  I had gotten 2nd in  my age group -- my competitor 1st.  I was hoping he'd take the top 3 and I think at one point he was in the top 3 (which would've put me in 1st).

Post race refreshments were bananas (very green), cheese strings, oranges and granola bars.  Pretty much standard fare.  There were 3 aid stations for the 10K (you hit the 5K one twice).  

Other than the start, the race was well organized.  The mile markers were spot on, the course measured up, plenty of marshals and markings on the course to indicate directions to run (which I already knew, having run the course many times).

The medals were nice too.  A pretty nice St Patrick's Day theme medal.  The shirt was also cool, although I am not a fan of the cotton blend shirts.  

So what comes next? I am not sure.  There were times in this race where I seriously wanted to retire from racing -- and even running. I put in a lot of work over the winter and my first serious race went very well -- and subsequently the rest -- not so much.  Just a steady decline into the abyss.

I'll have to sort things out.  The obvious factors are that I am probably burned out and two the tendonitis issue is holding me back.

Fortunately, I have a bit of a break coming up from racing. I may take some time to regroup.

Upcoming Races

03/22: 2025 Vineyard City Gold Rush 5K -- Vineyard, UT (Confirmed)
04/26: 2025 Salt Lake City Half Marathon - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed)
05/10: 2025 Run Farmington 10K - Farmington, UT (Confirmed)
02/22: 2026 Las Vegas Half Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)

Saturday, March 1, 2025

2025 March Madness 10K Race Recap - North Salt Lake, UT

Official Time: 54:15
Placement: 18th overall, 2nd in the 50-59 age division
Results: Here
Race WebsiteHere
Weather: Low 30's, very light winds from the south
Garmin Dump: Here
Previous Years: [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2018] [2017] [2016]

Mile TimeComments
18:17Nice start, although a little slower than I would've liked
28:27Definitely fatigued. If I can hold this pace, I'll be happy
38:44This is going to get ugly....
59:09Even yuckier. I felt like I was running fast, but I wasn't.
69:01Had a pacer help bring me in. 
6.20      1:39Just want to be done.
Total Miles: 6.20- 54:18


Another one of my traditions -- for several years now -- is to do the March Madness race.  At first, I was a frequent runner of the half marathon distance, but as the years have gone by, I've dialed it back to do the 10KM race.

The race supports the local foodbank and is a low-cost, simple race that harkens back to the days of going to race, running your guts out, grabbing some food and calling it a day.  The race is well organized, accurately marked and fits into just about everyone's budget -- especially if you register early.

Getting ready to race!

The Race

The race started an hour earlier this year and I made the trek up to Legacy Park in North Salt Lake and arrived at 7:15 AM.  I found easy parking, grabbed a bib, and donated some food for some extra raffle tickets. 

The weather was ideal for racing.  Chilly enough to warrant thin gloves and light arm-warmers, but definitely not anything more than that.  There wasn't much wind at all either.  

Typical stretch of bike trail

I was fatigued, however, having done the Las Vegas Half Marathon, a mere 5.5 days or so before.  While I felt like I was over the worst of the soreness, I definitely didn't feel particularly springy or fast.  Coming into the race I wanted to run fast, mostly for redemption over my failed efforts at the Vegas race, but I was also realistic that unless the running gods were truly backing me, it was going to be a long shot.

I did a warm-up of about a mile and some drills. I felt okay and my warm-up at times left me feeling a bit drained and other times I felt like I was just experiencing pre-race jitters / self-doubt.

The 10K race started at 8 AM and we were off.  The 10K race had less than 75 runners and most were shy about crowding the start. I held back as I knew I really didn't belong there, but I was off with the first 10 or so runners.  I was working with another runner who I know is definitely faster than me.  We chatted ever so briefly and I decided I was going to blow up if I hung on with her for too long.

About .4 of a mile to go

I glanced at my watch periodically and I was running at about 8:15 -- what I felt was my 10KM pace.  It did feel like I was going too fast.  I decided to go with it.

During the first 2 miles I was working with another runner that normally I can go rail-to-rail with.  I told myself, if I was holding pace with him, than I felt confident that I could hang on.

Mile 2, despite my best efforts came in at 8:30. I was definitely slowing down and I was questioning my life's choices.  My head was telling me I was running fast, but reality wasn't matching up.  Also, it was humbling to have the 5K winner (15:30 or so) blow by me well before the turn-around despite my roughly 5 minute head start.

My pacer had left me behind and I was hoping I'd eventually catch him (I never did).

As we headed north on the Legacy bike trail I kept looking for my competition.  With 10-year age groups, I knew my margins might be a little short.  

I couldn't wait until the turn around.  Maybe I'd be able to negative split, or at least hold on to my dwindling pace.  

I hit the 5K mark at about 26:26 or so.  All things considered, not too bad.  I was huffing and puffing though and every mile so my pace dip by about 15 seconds.

I got some shouts of encouragement from the other runners which spurred me on a bit but to be honest, I was toast.

There was another runner who may have been in my age group a few minutes behind me and I didn't see anyone that looked to be in my age group that had beat me to the turn around. Perhaps I could capture an age group win despite a less than stellar race.

I couldn't wait for the race to be over. I wasn't getting anywhere fast.  I was trailing another runner but more often than not, another runner would pass me.  I did encounter some 5K runners who were walking the course, but those were pretty few.  I just couldn't get anything going and I was throwing hasty looks over my shoulder: was anyone coming after me?

Finally, I was running at half marathon pace.  It was a major effort and there were times I just wanted to walk.  I was debating even on walking for a bit and doing some quarter mile repeats, just like I do in my sessions.  

Around mile 5, a friend of mine joined me.  He had just finished the 5K and was doing his cool down.  Silently he just worked with me and got me in, providing just enough incentive not to give up.  He knew I was suffering.

Finally the finish arches could be seen and it seemed to take forever to get there.  But I knew eventually I would get there.

Appropriate shirt for a March race


This wasn't the race I wanted.  Last year, under terrible weather conditions, I ran 53:33.  I shrugged it off because there were 30+ mph gusts of wind.  I figured this race, I'd be a lock to beat that and then some.

I finished in 54:18 -- about my slowest 10K (under normal circumstances) in a very long time.  

If I had to chalk it up to something it would be general fatigue. Just about every run I did this week I felt every single step.  I am not sure, however, I would've done anything differently.  Yeah, it was a difficult experience, but I was there to race.

In hindsight, I should've dropped to the 5K.

Finisher Medal + Age group Award -- no shirt at this race.

I wound up socializing and taking photos of runners. By the time I had finished, the weather had significantly improved and it was actually a very pleasant morning.  Gone was the cold, and now it felt like a fresh, spring day.  

There really wasn't an awards ceremony.  You got your result and if you placed in the top 3, you got a bonus medal.  Score! I came in 2nd.  Another runner in my age group finished several minutes ahead of me, so it wasn't even close.

Yeah I was not a happy camper

I wound up winning a winter hat in the raffle -- the bonus one with this, though, is that it had an LED light on it, so it would be great for early morning or late winter runs.  Just about every year I win something and they have some cool prizes.

Post race refreshments included chocolate milk, water, fruit, candies, chips and a few other snacks.  I wound up only taking a bag of chips and a few banana slices.  

Overall, I was happy with my race experience.  This race came in at under $30 (I think) and you got a professionally timed, supported race and that was accurate in nearly every aspect.  I think every time I saw a mile marker, but my watch went off and the turn around came in at 3.10 miles.  You really can't ask for anything more.

The course is flat but a little on the dull side. It is a bike trail run after all.  But it is ideal for those seeking a fast time.  I had a total ascent of 7 feet, according to my Garmin.  I do think it was a bit more than that but not much more.

Put this one on your calendar if you need a time trial and a race that gives more than it takes: free photos, nice awards, affordable price, plenty of food at the end -- just professionally done from start to finish.  Plus it supports the local food bank.  Normally they do have a half marathon in the race, but due to permitting issues, only a 5K and 10K were offered this year. Hopefully next year, the half marathon will be brought back.

Upcoming Races

03/15  2025 Lucky 13 10K - West Jordan, UT (Confirmed)
04/26: 2025 Salt Lake City Half Marathon - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed)
05/10: 2025 Run Farmington 10K - Farmington, UT (Confirmed)
02/22: 2026 Las Vegas Half Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)

Thursday, February 27, 2025

2025 Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap - Las Vegas, NV

About to head off!

Official Time: 2:04:02
Placement: 2486th overall, 1798th  male, 80th in my age group
Results:  Here
Race WebsiteHere
Weather: Upper 60s / low 70s.  Slight breeze from the south
Garmin Dump: Here
Previous Years: [2024] [2023] [2022[2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009]

Mile TimeComments
19:25Getting settled in. Hemmed in and feeling out how warm it is
29:22Still trying to figure out if I am in the race or not
39:19Very consistent
49:22Back to the Strip, getting some cheers
59:16Crowd spurring me on. Time to bump the pace up
69:05Sailing along here.
79:10Should I go now?
89:13Holding steady
99:04Time to go. We need to hit some faster paces. Can I do 10K pace?
109:23A bit of a headwind. Trying to will myself forward
119:37Felt like I was still holding a solid pace but I was definitely wilting
1210:06Yuck. Only a mile to go though.
1310:12Again, felt like I was running pretty quickly.
13.151:24Finally all done.
Total Miles: 13.15 2:04:03

Checking out the expo in my 2009 shirt


So first off, I'll state, I am a legacy runner with the Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas race series.  I've done it every year, so it isn't really a question "if" I am doing the race, it is a matter of how I am going to perform at the race.

The Las Vegas race was also the site of my very first full marathon and I continued to come back year after year to the race until I could no longer do the full marathon (and then eventually the full was no longer offered).

The race has gone through a number of changes over the years, sometimes with good things and sometimes with bad.  But I do keep coming back -- it is a vacation that also involves a race.  As a frequent racer and as someone who does like to gamble and eat at buffets, it is a perfect match for me.

At the expo for the 2024 edition, I did take advantage of the early bird savings and decided to jump into the 2025 version.  I had run reasonably well in 2023, fair in 2024 and so I was hoping I'd rebound, if the conditions were right, in 2025.

Party at the Expo!


Early Saturday morning, I left Salt Lake City and headed south to Las Vegas.  Leaving early beats all the traffic and makes the trip feel a bit faster.  It is about a 5.5 hour drive.

The first order of business was to hit the Resorts World Hotel and Casino and do the packet pickup.  Last year I had made the mistake of walking from the New York hotel to Resorts World, and I think that had worn me down a bit for Sunday night's race.  I wound up going directly and parking at Resorts World.

    Resorts World Expo

Packet pickup is a bit of an ordeal but after finding the new spot and getting my bib, it didn't take long to navigate the area.  There were a number of exhibitors but nothing really caught my interest.  Compared to years past, the expo seemed smaller than usual.

Fortunately, the whole ordeal (and meeting a YouTuber) didn't take too long and I managed to dodge any parking fees.  

I wound up eating at a sports bar for Saturday night, eating a normal breakfast at a café and I had made the smart decision of packing my own food for Sunday night's pre-race meal: granola bars, Tailwind, pudding, a banana and some apples.  I've learned my lesson from races in the past that trying to make restaurant food work for a pre-race just doesn't work.

Gearing up for the start

The Race

The Las Vegas half marathon's best feature is that it is a night race -- starting just before dusk at 4:30 PM.  The runners own the iconic Las Vegas Strip and it is entirely closed to vehicular traffic. Running it is a very unique experience and one that keeps me coming back year after year.

Corral loading situation

I was in corral 2, which meant I had about a 10 minute wait for corral 1 to start the race. In all honesty it was too bad, but it did feel weird seeing others start running which I was helplessly watching.

As usual, the corral loading situation was a mess -- but on the plus side we did make it. It just took a solid 15 minutes (or more) of standing shoulder to shoulder with people as we somehow maneuvered our way into the gateway to the loading zone.  

Let's go! 15K runner friends waiting!

I had a very achy hip and standing for long periods of time aggravates it.  By the time I made it into the pen, I had to find a small place to sit and let it "reboot".  I was really worried about being able to run after the painful experience.  I had quite a bit of ibuprofen in me, but it was still an agonizing experience.

Up to the lead up to the race, I was hoping to run 1:55 or better.  Given the heat and the crowded I conditions, I decided I'd go for about 2 hours.  I still had hopes I'd be closer to the 1:55 side of things.

Off we go!

Miles 1-4: 

With the race underway, I quickly found myself surrounded by people.  We were all roughly going the same pace, but it took some effort. My breathing came easy, and I felt pretty good. I was loosening up, the hip issues had disappeared and my body instinctively knew what to do.

Right away, I realized it was warm.  I was working up a sweat.  While I had hydrated a lot pre-race, I was worried about it not being enough.  Fortunately, the race organizers had a multitude of water stops.  Often, I'd grab something to drink and a cup of water to toss over my head.

Heading back into the heart of the strip - about mile 4

Disappointingly, my pace was consistently slower than 2 hour race pace (9:09).  I knew I was running pretty easily but usually the 2-hour pace comes a lot easier. I kept telling myself to be patient and that after the 2nd half or about with 8 KM to go, I'd kick it into high gear.  My training and history seemed like this was reasonable.

This part of the race isn't the most exciting. You head southwards, towards the airport, make a U-turn about 1.5 miles outside of town and head back.  The crowd is thinner and you can hear the din from the airport.  The sun is also starting to set at this point, so you know the fun is going to start soon.

Miles 5-8:

This part of the race gets exciting.  You are back in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip, and you have the crowds.  Of all the races I do, the crowds are the best here.  Plenty of signage, people cheering you on, and the you have the lights of the casinos just starting to get going.

My pace, sped up.  Not a lot, but enough to make me feel better about negative splitting.  I also grabbed a Lemonade flavored Roctane gel and wound up nursing that for nearly 4 miles. 

I was pretty full feeling -- I think I had overeaten leading up to the race and it just wasn't clearing.  I felt bloated and heavy.  My legs weren't ticking over very well and I think I just felt tired: like I wanted to take a nap.  I also felt like I wasn't drinking enough: I'd grab a cup of Mortal and sip a little and it just wasn't enough.

As we continued north, the crowds got thinner and eventually the casinos gave way to pawn shops, small motels, and vacant lots.  It also got significantly quieter.  I was still passing people and my pace was still solid.  I kept delaying "go" time though.  I just didn't have the confidence.

Miles 9-11:

Finally, a break in the race, we make it to the downtown area.  Instead of incessantly plodding our way, we finally made a dedicated turn, did a jog around a few blocks, made another turn or two, before heading back south towards the finish line.

This is where I'd power and show everyone that I could negative split!

I kind of did pick up the pace.  I broke it down that I had put in many tempo runs and knew I could hold an 8:40 or so pace.  It'd hurt but I could do it.

The problem was, I couldn't do it -- at least not tonight.

I managed to move pretty quickly but by the time I was plowing through mile 10, I knew the chains were on.  I wasn't going anywhere very fast.

I was still passing a few people, but I was getting passed more. We were back to approaching the main part of the Strip and while I did get some crowd support, it seemed limited to a bit more of drunks.  It was also dark but lighting wasn't a problem.

The temperate had dropped off as well -- with the sun gone, but still it was warm.  I was still dumping water over my head.

My head was telling me to go, but my body wasn't responding.

Miles 12 - 13.15:

My pace was gone and as many times as I did the "math" I wasn't going to go sub 2 hours.  It was just a matter of how much over I was going to be.

I could see the Bellagio -- where the finish line would be -- but while it seemed so close, it was still miles away.  Everything in Vegas appears close, but in reality it is going to take some time to get there.

Finally, the crowd got louder and I did my best to put on a brave face.  There wasn't even really a final kick, but I did push on through, crossing under the fabled Rock 'n Roll arches in 2:04 -- nearly 9 minutes behind what I was hoping to do.



So, I was happy to finish.  I had completed my "C" goal, but my "B" and "A" goals, not so much.  I wasn't too upset about it.  I had always bartered for a bit of leeway - if the weather was off or I just 
wasn't feeling it, I knew that the 1:55 wasn't going to happen.  So I had my "virtual" cry and got over it.

The Iconic Bellagio

I grabbed my medal, a bottle of water, and some Mortal sports drink.  On the plus side, they had prebagged goodies, so it made it so much easier to grab your snacks and not have to worry about carrying anything.  They also had some bananas.  The race also had had water stops at nearly every mile, so there were plenty of opportunities to hydrate and fuel along the way.

I grabbed a seat, took some photos and made sure I was okay before walking about half a mile to the exit (near the Cosmopolitan casino).  I had a brief scare -- when I did get up from my seated position, I did find myself a bit woozy.  And also, I started to feel a little sick at times. When I got back to my hotel room, I realized after a potty break that I was very dehydrated.

I did have a friend meet me near the finish line and he came with a root beer for me, which saved me.  Carbonation and sugary drinks definitely will revive me. Together, the two of us, trekked from the Cosmo to the MGM.

Overall, I was happy with the shirt.  Definitely a different design and it just wears nice.  The medal, seemed a bit of a let down. It didn't stand out like they usually do.

I really enjoy this race -- despite some let downs, it is a one-of-a-kind experience.  The course is the same as previous years, and every time I run it, I have memories of all the times I've done it in the past.  It is also a reminder that I am not as young as I once way.  I remember running the race at the tender age of 39 and running the half marathon during a marathon much faster than I do now.  It can be a humbling experience.

My performance -- well it was what it was.  Not the greatest but I've certainly felt worse during a race.  There have been times when things get tough where I just want to stop and walk and quit running forever.  While my confidence wasn't the greatest going in on Sunday, I never reached that point where I felt hopeless.  I just knew what it would take to get the job done and I didn't beat myself up over it.

Shirt and medal

Mistakes I felt like I made:

1) I didn't swallow enough of the water / hydration.  I basically rinsed my mouth out with it.  A sip or two isn't going to cut it.
2) I over fueled.
3) I should've put in more longer runs to build up my endurance.

All in all, there is always next year.  I am not too worked up about it. I got it done and there is always another race around the corner where I can try again.

Upcoming Races

03/01: 2025 March Madness 10K - Woods Cross, UT (Confirmed)
03/15  2025 Lucky 13 10K - West Jordan, UT (Confirmed)
04/26: 2025 Salt Lake City Half Marathon - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed)
05/10: 2025 Run Farmington 10K - Farmington, UT (Confirmed)
02/22: 2026 Las Vegas Half Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)